"Movie Monsters" Our first METAL collectible card set featuring those memorable monsters from some of your favorite movies. Each set includes 9 cards based off of the original art of Jerry Pesce, with the print name and card number on the back. All SETS are packed in labeled, plastic cases. Set 1 of 8: "Acid Drool" #JP01 "Darkness" #JP02 "Are You a God?" #JP03 "Tiny" #JP04 "Predator Drool" #JP05 "Death Beckons" #JP06 "Terminator" #JP07 "King of The Monsters" #JP08 "Stripe" #JP09
"Movie Monsters" METAL Card Set
- METAL CARD SET 9 cards total. Cards in this set numbered 1-9 Dimensions: 2.5" x 3.5" Material: Collector grade aluminum Finish: silver reflective *Resized to fit metal card dimensions. Full size print available on Paper and Metal*